Privacy Policy

Welcome to ("site") by V5 Vision ("us"). is a software development company that specializes in artificial intelligence and computer vision products ("services"). Your privacy is our top-most priority and we dedicate a great deal of effort in protecting your personal data. This Privacy Policy ("policy") outlines what data we collect, how we collect it, how we store it, and how we use it.

Who the policy applies to

The policy applies to clients and users of the services and visitors to the website ("users"). This policy only applies to the site and services developed by us and does not extend to individual websites or websites that integrate our products. Refer to the specific policies of each client website/app/product for their own policies.

Data we collect

We only collect data necessary for providing our services. This data may include images, text, or audio data as may be relevant to a specific product. We also, as a one-time signup requirement, collect user names and email addresses, if they provide them.

Where we store the data

We use cloud providers for serving the site and store minimal data with these providers. The data we store with the cloud providers includes email addresses and names of clients. We do not store any data for providing our services.

How we use the data collected

Wherever possible and needed, we process all the data locally on a client's device. This means we never store any data fed to our algorithms, unless specifically required for some of our services and in prior agreement with you, the client. We do not sell your data to any third parties.

Changes to this policy

We may change this policy at any time with or without prior notice. Your usage of our services and products indicates agreement with the revised policy.

How to contact us

For any other questions regarding how your data is collected, stored, and used, please contact us at

Last Updated: Jun 14 2024